
How can we help?

Do you have ideas of products or manufacturers that you wish were available on BIMsmith?

We've made it easy to suggest new brands, products, and even features to be added to BIMsmith.


If you have an idea for new products or manufacturers to add to BIMsmith:

You are the best advocate for change! Help us continue to grow the BIMsmith platform by requesting new brands and products through one or more of the following ways:

  1. 1. If you are on an existing brand's Hub Page on BIMsmith, just click "Request BIM." This will send a message to BIMsmith and to the manufacturer to add new products to their profile.
  2. 2. If you have searched for something that returned no results, you can fill out the "Request BIM" form to request Revit families for a specific brand or product to be added to BIMsmith.
  3. 3. Please reach out to our Support Team and list the subject of your message as "New Manufacturer Request" or "New Product Request." Then, send a message to the manufacturer via your sales representative, their social media channels via direct message, or their website. Something simple like: "I am an [architect, engineer, etc] and noticed that you don't list your products for download on BIMsmith. Please consider making that change, it would make my life a lot easier! You can contact them at"


If you have an idea for a new feature: 

Please reach out to our Support Team and list the subject of your message as "New Feature Request."

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